The difference between Surrender and Sacrifice.

Surrender is giving up something when it is requested while sacrifice goes beyond submission because it has to do with submission before a request is made.

Sharing the little in your hands with others without being callous releases the power of God and causes multiplication of the same.

Know who you are and the things that belong to you in the hands of God.

Be careful when the demand is coming more and more (whether it is in your service to the Lord or giving to others) that you don't allow the spirit of callousness to suppress compassion 

An impulsive spirit does no good because it speaks anyhow.

An impulsive spirit sends hurtful things.

Wherever you find an impulsive spirit, there will also be a self-seeking, judgmental spirit present and we risk missing what God is doing/His instruction for the hour.
Self-seeking spirit breaks relationships, creates denominations and cliques.
If you are not a witness to something, learn to keep quiet and even when you are a witness, keep quiet also.

Four things characterize the life of a child:

1. Lowest and most vulnerable.

2. Tender and free of guile

3. They are teachable and trusting

4. They read no meaning to things

If we cannot accept the lowest person amongst us, we cannot say we are living a sentimental free life.

Afolabi Oladele
"Everyday is an opportunity for a whole NEW beginning. What's that one thing you can do differently today to create positive change in your life? Think & ACT NOW"

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