Lessons learnt from Oladele Olunike 4O lessons before you're 40.

If you don't have mastery/dominion over yourself, you won't be able to dominate others.
Mastery, being the ability to control actions, impulses, actions or emotions.
"Mastering others is strength, but mastering yourself is true power"
-Tao Ching.
"Controlling your actions will lead to success"- Tony Robbins
Knowledge is never static. You need to understand your emotions.
"Lack of mastery has wrecked great men".
It's he who ask questions that deserves answers.
Private victory preceeds public victory. That is why you are the focus.
Let your goals be constant and your means to achieving your goals dynamic.
On self awareness, ability to observe onself while carrying out normal activity. Do not take a bend for an end, develop your self awareness, how you feel can be controlled by how you think, talk to yourself.
"Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment"- Tao Tzu.
Key to discovering personal mastery-
Who am I? -You identity
Why am I here?- your purpose
What do I have?-your ability, potential,Passion, interest.
What can you do with what you have?- sing,socialise: being able to monitize your gift.
Where am I going?- Destination or goal
What you discover, you don't develop, will never deliver.
People pay for skill not talent.
Do not let little things weigh you down.
How do you react to situations? How do you feel about yourself?what do you feel you deserve?
Accept the truth that comes with the spirit. Be mindful of choices you make. Milestones would be traced up the ladder.
Key to self mastery.
-Understand your purpose.
-Understand your Why.
-Understand who you are, why you do certain things.
-Inspire and lead to greatness.
-Forget how to, Just discover first
-Know thyself! know thyself!! know thyself!!!
Greatest discover in life is that of yourself.
Key development areas
-Physical- your Body, do exercise to keep fit.
-Emotion- you mind. Be vast, be broad.
-Mental- your intellect.
-Profession- skills, job, career- Go for training
 When you jump up, you come Down but when you Grow up, you stay Up.
-Spirituality- You essence.
Aiming goals, winning big.
Time bound Peoople with goals succeed, because they know where they are going.
Write out your short term goals/long term goals.
Advantages of Goals
-Helps you to specific way forward.
-Helps in specific achievable steps
-Mindset- ability to see with the right eyes.
-Specific timeline for actions
-To work on constantly beautifully designed goal.
-Setting a goal is a skill
Learn by practice and repetition.
Realise that the journey of a mans life is a journey of mystery. Just prepare for the best.
Its not what happens to you that matters, its how you react.
We should not react, we should respond
We need to understand our season and step into it.
Anything is possible, because we are born to succeed. Inside you is untapped potential.
You can achieve what you put in your mind. Avoid negative thoughts.

10 lessons from the 40 lessons before you are 40 seminars.
(1)- You have only one life here on earth, give it your best.
(2)- Life is a long distance race, not a 100 meters dash. Speed is good, perseverance is better.
*To be relevant, you need to be a carrier of solutions
*Push until something happens
*Every successful person has a devil he' trying to fight.
(3) You will never always remain young. Enjoy your youth but do it in moderation.
(4) Value knowledge early, apply it truly and never cease wholly
(5) In your journey you will fail at somethings and you will suceed at others Learn from them all ans take them all in good faith
(6) Note these critically.
Self discovery, self development, self-dedication, self rejuvenation.
(7) You couldn't choose the family you came from. Monogamy or polygamy. Make the best use of your root.
(8) What you want to do easily, you must first do diligently.
(9) Your talent is a rare treasure. No matter what it is, harness it. It could be your ladder to stardom.
(8) Talent- Training= Trash
      Talent+Training= Toiling
The journey of our lives is but "A WEEK of SEASONS.
Monday: 0-10 Years- Season of discovery
Tuesday: 11-20 Years- Season of practice
Wednesday 21-30 Years- Season of Performance
Thursday: 31-40 Years- Season of Mastery In your Craft or Field of Career.
Friday: 41-50- Season of mentoring and multiplication
Saturday: 51-60 years- Season of Returns.
Sunday: 61-70 years- Season of Rest and Rejuvenation
71 Years and Above- Public Holiday.

It's vital you do a life check and discover the Season that you belong to. Then if you are off track, retrace your steps in life.
This is an excerpt from a Free Birthday seminar organised by Oladele Olunike, who is amazingly sought by corporate clients for his solution-providing speaking, training & coaching with a heart aplenty with insightful & inspiring lessons. "Titled 40+1 lessons before you are 40". It was quite insightful.You cannot afford to miss Season 3 of the seminar. Which would hold 16th October, 2014. Keep in Contact by following on twitter, "@40LessonsSemina @OladeleOlunike"
Visit: www.oladeleolunike.blogspot.com OR email: 40lessonsseminars@gmail.com

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