The Secrets Of Top Students: My true life story

We are all students in the school called Life. Be you a secondary school student, undergraduate, or graduate. We learn daily and aspire to succeed in all our endeavours.

At a point in my life, I was a chronic failure. On so any occasions, I failed and refused to show my parents my results for close to 3 terms because my report card was filled with red biro. And I kept telling my parents the school hasn't given us results and blabla. But my mum was worried and had to go to school and demanded for the report card. She eventually got to know the truth. She was so disappointed. And I was so ashamed of myself. I needed a change. I aspired for success.
Years later, I sat down and tabled out what exactly were the causes of these tremendous failure. I discovered it was laziness to read and understand. I tried to take cognisance of my weakpoints and work effectively on it, I read more, listened more, did my assignments, I buried my pride and did after class tutorials with my friends. I then noticed I was now doing very academically. I tell you, success is sweet. Its indeed a great feeling. I'm not a fashionister per say, but I realised that academic excellence would make you accessible to any category of people without you being discriminated.
You notice probably in university, a very short, average, not so handsome or not flashy but very intelligent boy is always surrounded by the most beautiful girls in class. It was nothing, but his brain that attracted several calibre of people to him. "Success indeed attracts good things"
I was having the attribute of a good house wife; of being hardworking at home but academically dull. So really decided I need a change. This indeed is a wake up call for you.
Top students in any segment of the educational institution, after effortlessly absorbing whatever the teacher throws at them, they spout it back on tests and watch the A's come rolling in. They have exceptionally high IQs, making it next to impossible for the rest of the class to compete with them. They're the ones who leave exams early and breeze through the most complex material in the syllabus. They are eggheads, nerds, geeks, and their success is the result of innate talent and ability.
In case you haven't realised it yet, these are all unfortunate misconceptions about students who excel academically.-Top students learn from real students, reading on how people secure academic excellence, determination, hard work, the desire to learn, and pressure from self, in that order, were rated as far more important than IQ.-Hardwork:
Students considered geniuses or 'naturals, worked significantly harder than the average student. -Sacrifice:
Nearly 80% of the surveyed top students said that they made sacrifices to get good grades, and when asked to describe these sacrifices, the answers were uniformly about
-Cutting back on their social lives.
-Reducing time spent with friends may be hard for many to accept
If a student focus more on social than on academic development they fail to improve in critical thinking, complex reasoning, and written communication.

You necessarily don't need to be pressured by your families before you get good grades. Be focused and determined to excel Am I saying that anyone can become a top student? I wouldn't go that far, but academic success is based far more on effort and grit, and much less on talent and smarts, than most people think. This is important to remember at a time when kids are spending fewer hours reading and more time on social media than ever before.
Whatever your goals are, whatever your definition of success is – you can learn a lot from the drive and determination of top students.Curled from:

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