The Weight of Character

Our character is more honest and more consistent than our words. it's a reflection of what our hearts carry.
This quickly reminds me of a scenario. A very young lady who probably was lucky to get married to a rich politician and built a semi mansion in a typical Lagos environs. Driving in an exotic car,
she expected every car to respect hers by probably chilling for her while she cruises in the very narrow street. This lucky day, she then had an encounter with a much elder woman and expected similar preferential treatment. The young woman who was obviously wrong, got down from her exotic jeep and rained insults on the elderly woman. The elderly woman didn't say a word, but rather, put off her engine, locked her car then went straight to her house. Imagine how embarrassed and frustrated the young lady felt after being snubbed! We saw it in her face though. *Lol.
That was a wise decision the elderly woman made. "Instead of Reacting, She Responded"
So many people want to drop the weight of being temperamental. Its good but requires intense training and knowing when best to respond instead of reacting.
Character in its own is a weight. It forms a huge aspect of who we eventually become. A negative character is a burden. A positive character attracts abundance of goodwill. So which weight would you rather carry?
We need to check our character daily. Since our character is a reflection of our true selves, it could either make us or Mar us. The maxim which says Charisma can take you to the top but it's your character that sustains you there isn't child's play.
Your character is the foundation for your future. Quarrelling & fighting devalues a person and depicts low self esteem. During the incidence, crowed gathered and were shocked to see a lady of prestige ranting and displaying in the centre of a typical Lagos street.
Not being judge-mental, ignorance kills. You probably might be rich and famous. But a bad character reduces your self worth and explains your entire being as trash.
Character is being developed over time. Irrespective of your milieu or socialization process, cultivate a positive attitude, focus more on personal development and self mastery, then you can have mastery over others.

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